Do you ever feel anxious, angry, sad, or separated? Do you experience denial, isolation, or self-sabotage? Are you ready to make a change?

Sign up TODAY and receive The Living Yes Workbook the Emotions Page, and Five Affirmations for Living Yes. ALL FOR FREE!

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The Living Yes Workbook

The workbook is an 8.5” x 11” pdf file that contains worksheets to do all the exercises in the book, Living Yes, a Handbook for Being Human.

Five Affirmations for Living Yes At Work

It's a beautiful, one page .pdf with help for those tough moments and a way to prevent them from returning.

Emotions Page

It’s the page I figured out AFTER publishing Living Yes. It’s an update to page 79 which explains the theory of emotions. And in a second (reverse) page, I’ve added ideas of how to Live Yes when these feelings strike!
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Publishing Living Yes, a Handbook for Being Human has been a marvelous experience.  I am gratified by the warm responses from readers and pleased with the impact the work is having on other people’s lives. 

It’s been amazing to learn how people use the book.  Some people tell me they are marking up the book, dog-earing the pages, and doing most or all of the exercises.  I think that’s great.

But I’ve also been surprised.  Many people don’t use the book the way I had intended.  Many readers don’t do any of the exercises!  I am not attached to the expectation that everyone will do all of the exercises.  I’m glad if you get anything helpful from the book.

I asked myself why people aren’t doing the exercises, and I came up with five possible reasons:

1. Some people want quick answers.
2. The benefits of taking the time to write out the exercises is not evident. (See #1)
3. There aren’t many exercises in the first fifty pages, so readers are lulled into the idea that the exercises are not necessary for personal growth. (Really?)
4. People need a larger page size and a better structure in order to do the exercises. (Solved here)
5. I didn’t present the importance of the exercises adequately in the Introduction.

Let me solve that last one right now.  On page 7, I wrote about the exercises:

“The exercises … are meant to be more closely studied, so you may get the deepest benefit from them.  Do the exercises as well as you can, and let Life take care of the rest.  In fact, if you read the text and charts with care and do all the exercises fully, you are Living Yes.”

Okay, not bad, but here’s what I’d wish I’d written:

“Do the exercises!  They are the essence of the work. They are the change-agent that will move you from theory to practice.  The more you do the exercises, the easier and more natural Living Yes will become.  Without them Living Yes is an idea, but with the exercises, change is guaranteed.”

If you’re willing to do the work, I’m willing to give you the tools.  That’s why I’ve created this free workbook. 

Print out this .pdf on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch size paper, and do the exercises!  Use the workbook hand-in-hand with Living Yes and write all over the workbook.  The numbers on each workbook page refer to the corresponding page in Living Yes.

Please let me know how it’s going.  I may be reached at

Here’s to a deepening of your ability to Live Yes!

Mark Morris, LCSW
November, 2015
The page has five parts.

1. In the upper right is the cognitive theory combined with an addictions theory (urge). An event occurs and we immediately put meaning on that event with our thoughts. From those thoughts we have emotional responses which leads to urges and then actions (behaviors).

2. The emotions component begins with the choice of feeling and emotion or avoiding and emotion. Breathe to feel, and the emotion will increase or decrease. Avoidance can occur with repression or suppression. Repression is suffocating.

3. Separating emotions are divided into three sections of repulsion, possession, isolation. In the center circle are the feelings before they are distinguished into the eleven other separating emotional states.

4. Connecting emotions are presented. (Remember that they are not goals, just feelings.)

5. On the reverse (page two) are some Living Yes Lessons which are bought on by our twelve emotions. We move back and forth from "No" to "Cool Yes" to "Hot Yes" and back, as we increase or decrease our understanding of the meanings which surround us. This is the essence of Living Yes.

Please let me know how it’s going.  I may be reached at

Here’s to a deepening of your ability to Live Yes!

Mark Morris, LCSW
May 2016

I created these affirmations for a niche marketing campaign. Marketing a subject as broad as Living Yes is a challenge, and this is an example of focusing on a specific need.

HOWEVER, the affirmations may be applied in any situation, not just job stress. Try them!

And purchase your copy of Living Yes, a Handbook for Being Human: